At Medbiologicals, we believe good health is the foundation of vibrant lives, thriving communities, and forward progress, that’s why for more than three decades, we have aimed to keep people well at every age and stage of their life, as India’s most broad-based healthcare nutraceuticals company.
We are committed to creating the most scientific, safe, natural & effective solutions for multiple healthcare needs. Medbiologicals represent prescription & non-prescription (over-the-counter) products.
Our wide range of nutraceutical products is manufactured at the state-of-the-art facility at Baddi (Solan), Himanchal Pradesh competing globally & marketing for the sole purpose to promote and maintain a better concept of quality life.
We are in the Business of Healthcare for three decades plus with great enthusiasm generated out of an innovative segment of chronic cum lifestyle diseases, that too with some of the products falling in the category of the first time in India launch backed up by marketing expertise of three decades plus.
So as of today, we are promoting our brands under categories of Pharma & Wellness healthcare which are being promoted & positioned in various segments of specialization with a plethora of documented data (Available from the research initiated since 3 decades, that too from M.D. Andersons Centre for Cancer, the University of Texas, Houston, U.S.A) in the form of clinical trials to support its safety, efficacy across the globe that too without any or the least of side effects of its own along with mitigating the side effects and complications caused due to synthetic drugs being used to treat various ailments not only for humans but also for the animal world around.
All our products fall into the category of lifestyle-related (chronic & degenerative diseases) segment, which is both preventive & curative, that includes natural nutraceuticals/dietary standard formulations.

Our mission is to become "The Most Scientific Awareness Creating Company". Simultaneously, also to reduce or to the extent of eradicating the sickness-related pain, agony or the sufferings of the whole of human & animal population, that too with almost no or minimal side effects, with the products derived from the mother nature, soothing, loving & caring for the entire population, irrespective of the Cast, Creed, Geographical or Lingual barriers.

The uses & benefits of all these categories of products are thoroughly evaluated, researched, and clinically tried by ancient practitioners, supported by demographic studies, modern medical science, not only from India alone, but from the entire world, more specifically the western world, as most of the clinical support data has originated from countries, like the U.S, the U.K, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, China, and Japan, etc.
Most of these products are widely accepted & consumed worldwide. We have positioned our products & services with great emphasis on, Preventive, Curative & Regenerative Sciences.

The market is a huge upcoming & ever-growing for natural cum neutraceutical range of products, wherein a lot of research studies, trials & innovation is in advancement, because of the need for a natural, safe & effective options for preventive & curative system, that has evolved with increasing awareness among the masses, in response to changing lifestyles & associated disorders & ailments.

Onconorm Plus is an alternative supportive palliative care. Our range caters to the multiple therapeutic segments like Oncology, Rheumatology, Orthopedics, Diabetology, Nephrology, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Dermatology, etc.
Onconorm Plus is widely accepted & consumed worldwide. We have positioned our products & services with great emphasis on, Preventive, Curative & Regenerative Sciences.
Click here to order and know more about ONCONORM Plus.